Saturday, December 11, 2010


Wow.  I really got the kick in the pants I needed last night.  My co-worker, Kristin and her husband Ron (who also works with us as the music teacher at school) invited me to church with them last night.  Actually, I think I might have invited myself.  hahaha  The music was so upbeat and the sermon was exactly what I needed to hear.

The pastor spoke about remembering that you are "wealthy in Christ" and that any blessings you've been given were meant to allow you to be a blessing to others.  So often, I focus on what I want or feel I need instead of remembering all the wonderful things I have.  Also, he mentioned that life is not meant to be easy and comfortable all the time, because if it is, you aren't growing as a person.  And when you are on the right path and doing what you are meant to do, Satan will probably try to step in and steal your joy.  I've always believed very deeply in spiritual warfare, and I've really felt it lately in my life.  Hearing the message last night made me realize that teaching is my calling (which I sometimes don't want to believe) and that whenever it seems to difficult, it just means that "someone" is trying to stand in my way.

I never thought I would be in church on Friday night, but it really was a great way to end the work week.  I'll definitely be going back.

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