Friday, December 31, 2010


I've decided to go big or go home.  I'm not going to have just one resolution for 2011.  No, no, I'm going with three.  Three things that I believe will really help me get my life back on track.  And I've made a plan for each one so I can't just say it without actually doing it.  Here's the details...

1.  I will stay active and focus on eating better so I can look FABULOUS for my honeymoon in April.  Then I will continue with this healthy focus so I can be proud to run around in a bikini this summer.  I know this will also help me feel better overall and give me more energy.  What could be better than that?

2.  I will spend more quality time with my hubby.  Steve and I have both felt like our lives have been too hectic and we haven't had time to just be "us".  We are determined to remedy that situation.

3.  I will NOT let my job control my life.  I love teaching, but it can't be my only focus or my source of stress.

I feel like all of these resolutions are completely possible and attainable.  I just need to stay focused and organized.  I have devoted too much time in 2010 to complaining and wishful thinking.  Now it's time to make it happen!

Here's to a wonderfully productive and successful 2011!  Happy New Year!

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