Monday, May 16, 2011

Running = Peace?

This is how I feel about running right now...

I'm frazzled, stressed, and not enjoying it AT ALL. I'm doing it because I feel like I have to. I have the Chic-fil-A 5K coming up on May 28th and the Icelandic 8K on June 4th. Running outside lately has been tough with the rain and my horrible allergies. (I was just finally able to put my contacts in for an entire day today after who knows how long)

The treadmill has been my replacement, and honestly I feel like a chubby hamster stuck in a wheel. My iPod keeps playing the same songs. The TVs at the gym show terrible lifetime movies or Man vs. Wild re-runs. And my calf muscle is still tight and sore from my last race. I've been cheating on running with Zumba to try and say I'm "still working out". Zumba is an AMAZING work out, but it's still not running. And my legs are going to remind me of that when these races roll around. I don't want to be disappointed in my times. I don't want to feel miserable during the entire race. I want to feel like this...

Is it possible? I sure hope so. I'm going for a trail run tomorrow and find out.

1 comment:

  1. Keep your head up! I know sometimes running does seem daunting but its just such a good workout for your body!!! But if you really don't feel like doing it then I wouldn't because that only leads to me having horrible form and then hurting worse. But at least you are exercising so don't beat yourself up about it!!
