Friday, June 11, 2010


On my way home from work yesterday, I randomly turned on the radio to 92.9 The Wave. I heard them mention that they were giving away tickets to an upcoming Kansas/Foreigner/Styx concert at the Virginia Beach Amphitheater. I got really excited because I LOVE these bands! I know that might seem cheesy, but I'm a sucker for 80s rock bands. My dad would be so proud. I quickly grabbed my phone and called, assuming that I would get a busy signal like always. On the second ring someone answered and asked "Have you won anything in the past 30 days?" I was like, "Um, no!" I was then put on the air and told I had won the tickets! I was so excited and kept saying "Oh my gosh!" and "Thank you so much!" over and over again. I sounded like a squealing teenager! I found out that the concert is tonight and Steve and I are going with some friends who also had tickets. I'm so freakin' pumped! I've seriously never won anything in my life, and I could use a little break right now.

I'm helping with the Hampton Roads Triathlon sponsored by the YMCA at 5:30 tomorrow morning. I'm gonna be tired, but I don't even care!

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