Sunday, June 20, 2010

Here's hoping...

Ok, I don't want to jinx myself, but this endometriosis diet might actually be working! Usually by this time of the month, I would be miserable and in severe pain. I would not be able to sleep, eat, or do anything besides lay on my couch. But where have I been instead? Wherever I want to be! I spent yesterday morning at work, then had coffee with a friend and went to the gym. I hung out the block party downtown last night, and today I was swimming and soaking up the sun with my friends.

I did wake up this morning with some minor pain, but it actually just felt like normal cramps. I took a couple ibuprofen and it was gone. I don't want to assume anything at this point, but I'm very optimistic and hoping that each month will show the same or even better results. If so, I'm totally rubbing it in my doctor's face! Take that modern medicine! Sometimes nature DOES know better! ;)

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