Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Bashing Continues

So I spent some time yesterday and today reading over the new healthcare bill and some blogs about it.  It disgusts me how people respond to each other online.  You can tell that mostly ignorant and uneducated (and probably unemployed) people spend their day commenting on these articles, but their use of profanity and name-calling instead of actual facts or viewpoints is astounding.  I seriously think that some of my students could make a more mature and convincing argument.

Here's a tip America:
Before you start bashing Obama, Congress, the United States, or your fellow Americans, why not learn to put together a complete sentence that does not include slang, racial slurs, or "f*@k you" repeatedly.  Then maybe I will listen to a word you have to say.

Then again, no, I will still think you are an idiot.

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